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dc.contributor.authorEguiluz, Victor M.-
dc.contributor.authorSalazar, Guillem-
dc.contributor.authorFernandez-Gracia, Juan and Pearman, John K.-
dc.contributor.authorGasol, Josep M.-
dc.contributor.authorAcinas, Silvia G.-
dc.contributor.authorSunagawa, Shinichi-
dc.contributor.authorIrigoien, Xabier-
dc.contributor.authorDuarte, Carlos M.-
dc.description.abstractGlobal ocean expeditions have provided minimum estimates of ocean's prokaryote diversity, supported by apparent asymptotes in the number of prokaryotes with sampling effort, of about 40,000 species, representing <1\% of the species cataloged in the Earth Microbiome Project, despite being the largest habitat in the biosphere. Here we demonstrate that the abundance of prokaryote OT Us follows a scaling that can be represented by a power-law distribution, and as a consequence, we demonstrate, mathematically and through simulations, that the asymptote of rarefaction curves is an apparent one, which is only reached with sample sizes approaching the entire ecosystem. We experimentally confirm these findings using exhaustive repeated sampling of a prokaryote community in the Red Sea and the exploration of global assessments of prokaryote diversity in the ocean. Our findings indicate that, far from having achieved a thorough sampling of prokaryote species abundance in the ocean, global expeditions provide just a start for this quest as the richness in the global ocean is much larger than estimated.-
dc.titleScaling of species distribution explains the vast potential marine prokaryote diversity-
dc.identifier.journalSCIENTIFIC REPORTS-
dc.contributor.funderMalaspina Circumnavigation Expedition - Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through project Consolider-Ingenio Malaspina 2010 [CSD2008-00077]-
dc.contributor.funderKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)King Abdullah University of Science \& Technology-
dc.contributor.funderAgencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) [FIS2016-80067-P, CTM2015-70340-R]-
dc.contributor.funderFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)European Union (EU) [FIS2016-80067-P, CTM2015-70340-R]-
dc.contributor.funderSpanish State Research Agency through the Maria de Maeztu Program for Units of Excellence in RD [MDM-2017-0711]-
dc.contributor.funderETHETH Zurich-
dc.contributor.funderHelmut Horten Foundation-
Aparece en las tipos de publicación: Artículos científicos

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