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Title: A multi-stock harvest control rule based on ``pretty good yield�� ranges to support mixed-fisheries management
Authors: Garcia, Dorleta; Dolder, Paul J.; Iriondo, Ane; Moore, Claire; Prellezo, Raul; Urtizberea, Agurtzane
Citation: ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE, 2020, 77, 119-135
Abstract: Advice for commercially exploited fish stocks is usually given on a stock-by-stock basis. In light of the ecosystem-based fisheries management, the need to move towards a holistic approach has been largely acknowledged. In addition, the discard bans in some countries requires consistent catch advice among stocks to mitigate choke species limiting fisheries activity. In this context, in 2015, the European Commission proposed the use of fishing mortality ranges around fishing mortality targets to give flexibility to the catch advice system and improve the use of fishing opportunities in mixed-fisheries. We present a multi-stock harvest control rule (HCR) that uses single stock assessment results and fishing mortality ranges to generate a consistent catch advice among stocks. We tested the performance of the HCR in two different case studies. An artificial case study with three stocks exploited simultaneously by a single fleet and the demersal mixed-fishery operating in Bay of Biscay and Celtic Sea. The HCR produced consistent catch advice among stocks when there was only a single fleet exploiting them. Even more, the HCR removed the impact of the discard ban. However, in a multi-fleet framework the performance of the HCR varied depending on the characteristics of the fleets.
Keywords: EBFM; harvest control rule; landing obligation; mixed-fisheries; pretty good yield; REFERENCE POINTS; MSY CONCEPT; MODEL; CATCHABILITY; FRAMEWORK; DYNAMICS; BEHAVIOR; LESSONS; TIGER; CATCH
Issue Date: 2020
Type: Article
DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsz181
ISSN: 1054-3139
E-ISSN: 1095-9289
Funder: Department of Agriculture, Fishing and Food from the Basque Government [33-2016-00088, 289257]
European CommissionEuropean CommissionEuropean Commission Joint Research Centre [EASME/EMFF/2014/, EASME/EMFF/2017/]
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), UKDepartment for Environment, Food \& Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Appears in Publication types:Artículos científicos

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